DO - 70:20:10 & Discipleship
Within learning & development there is a model that we use to explain how people learn in the workplace - The 70:20:10 model . The model says that: 70% of learning occurs through practical means , through people just doing their jobs. Experimenting, risking, failing, reflecting. 20% of learning occurs through social interaction with others. Coaching, mentoring, blogs, social media. 10% of learning occurs through formal learning . Courses, e-learning, flipped classroom, MOOCs . The numbers themselves are very contested (lets be honest, no research will ever lead to perfectly round numbers like this), but for me, the exact numbers are not really the point. The point is a) people learn best by using a variety of methods . B) people learn most by actually doing things, practically. By risk, experimentation, failure, reflection. For me this is what the 70:20:10 model has to teach us about disciple...