Why You Should Read The Early Church Fathers (And How To Do It) [interview]

The Early Church Fathers wrote lots of material to help guide the fledgeling Church in its infancy, something that modern christians overlook. Whilst not equal to scripture, the writings of the early church can help to act as a compass, guiding us in what it means to be the Church today. Luke Wilson’s new book “ 40 Days With The Fathers ” hopes to fill this gap by presenting the works of the Early Church Fathers in an accessible way. I caught up with Luke to look at his motivations for writing and what we can learn by studying the early church fathers. Tell us a little bit about yourself Hi, I'm Luke; I studied theology and biblical studies at Mattersey Hall Bible College . I have a beautiful wife and one-year-old daughter and run my own software company with my dad. When I get time, I write blogs and books! How did you become interested in the early church fathers? It first started a few years back when I felt a little disillusioned about the way church is don...