CREATE - Human Activity and Our Desire to Create

Recently I was listening to the Speaker Rob Bell . He mentioned the concept that God, in some sense left the creation of the world unfinished, and that through our acts of creation we are continuing the creation of the world. Regardless of the truth of this idea, I think that each of us has an innate need to be involved in the creative process. That each of us has a desire to create things that have a level of permanence. Whether this be art, or music, dance, or courses, clothing, or crafts, marketing campaigns, or food. Hannah Arendt the political theorist in her book 'the human condition' divides human activity into 3 categories: labor, work, and action . Labor being our biological processes, our respiratory system, things that are used and consumed , things that have no permanence . Work being those things that we do that extend beyond our selves. They have a beginning and end , and have a permanence in our world, i.e. things that we create . ...