About Me

My Family and I Pictured at East Riddlesdon Hall

Writer, Speaker, Blogger

I live in the beautiful West Yorkshire in the United Kingdom with my lovely wife and two children and have been involved in church leadership for ten years.

I believe profoundly in the Church as a transformative power within society to build the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. I believe that this kingdom is marked by audacious love and self - sacrifice from the Church. And I believe that I am one of many called to equip the Church with the skills it needs to build this kingdom (and to build it through my participation within the Church).

This is why I write, speak, and blog.

I believe that the kingdom of God is best made manifest through evangelism, social justice, and environmentalism. To this end most of my work focuses on using the Bible as a lens to explore these areas.

I hope to help you develop in your faith and discipleship walk with Jesus as you progress towards spiritual maturity.

Both personally and during my ministry I attempt to implement a more environmentally and socially just version of life – looking at all areas of human experience using self-sacrifice and alternative methods to live in a more conscious way.

I have created and delivered courses on many various topics including change, emotional intelligence, leadership, creativity, communication and technical skills

I have written and delivered speeches and sermons on complexity and the fourth industrial revolution, learning & development, environmentalism and ethical living and sermon series on various books of the Bible and topics

I have now written my first book called “11 Way to Make YourChurch More Environmentally Friendly” and am in the process of writing my second book “Jesus and Judaism in John’s Gospel”.

I have an honours degree in Biblical Theology, a diploma in Christian Ministry and a certificate in Christian Counselling from Mattersey Hall Bible College, and a diploma in Adult Learning & Development from the Chartered Institute of Professional Development.

If you would like to book me to speak or write about any of the topics in my blog about then please email me at info@simon-phipps.com


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