COMMITMENT - The Grass Is Greener Where You Water It

Two friends hanging out, sat looking out into the ocean

The Grass is Greener Where You Water It

Recently I was staying at a monastery

I sought spiritual direction from one of the monks and during our time together I discussed some of the things that I was thinking about. He began to speak to me about the importance of faithfulness within the commitments that I had made. Commitments in marriage, commitments to my children, to my church, to my career. As he spoke it reminded me of the quote above that I had read a few weeks earlier.

It is relevant in so many circumstances. In our relationships, our careers, our geographical location.

As humans we are terrible at judging where we currently are – we take so much for granted – and it isn’t till it is gone that we realise just how good it was.

This is where we get the concept of the grass is greener on the other side.

We look at everyone around us and think “they have a nicer car than I do”, or a better job, or more happiness etc.

Wherever You Go, There You Are

Part of the problem with moving, be it from a job, or a relationship, or a locality, is that “wherever you go, there you are”.

We bring with us all of the same problems, all of the same attitudes, all of the same mindsets that we had before.

Don’t get me wrong, there are times when it is right for us to make a move (and there are some times when it is crucial that we move, for example, if you are involved in an abusive relationship). But before we make this move we should ask ourselves the crucial question “am I truly watering the grass where I am right now?

Am I fully investing in this relationship, am I fully engaging in this community, am I seeking everything that my career has to offer. If not, then perhaps this should be our first avenue of exploration.

Stephen Covey uses the metaphor of the emotional bank account with regards to the key relationships in our lives. How can we expect to make withdrawals if we have not first made deposits? If we are not investing in our relationships, then how can we expect to get anything out of them in our time of need.

There is something to be said about being faithful with the things that God has given to us.

May we be able to see the grass for what it truly is, may we be able to identify what we can do to water our own grass, and may we go ahead and do it.

What are your top ways for investing in where you are right now (for watering your own grass)? Leave a comment below.

Image Credit
Felix Russell-Saw


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